Dropped: Bottom of small childrens slide, Adventure Park, Durham Street, Bathurst
Number of toys: 1
Made by: Mis_tree
Dropped by: 99b430.blogspot.com - Mummy, Aunty and 'Stanks'
When: 04/04/2010
And mis_tree says: Was very nervous leaving during such a busy time, as soon as we turned our backs, it was gone

Number of toys: 1
Made by: Mis_tree
Dropped by: 99b430.blogspot.com - Mummy, Aunty and 'Stanks'
When: 04/04/2010
And mis_tree says: Was very nervous leaving during such a busy time, as soon as we turned our backs, it was gone

1 comment:
On easter Sunday my boyfriend and I were babysitting 3 small children at the adventure playground, as both their parents work shift work, the easter bunny had not yet been and they were very excited to get home and check!! When we were at the small slides the girl was becoming very upset, her older brother found the toy bunny and gave it to her to feel better, the toy bunny is now a much loved addition to the other exciting things the easter bunny had dropped off......thankyou very much
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