Sunday, May 16, 2010

Found: Drop # 1180

Drop # 1180 has been found!

From: bill
Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 7:39 AM
Subject: re home made toy on 13.5.10.

Hi guys and girls.
This is bill (70years) of albany creek calling. Every wed. and thurs. morning I walk with 3 year old grandson and stevie(cocker spaniel) the dog to old northern road near faheys road bus stop. we sit on wall for about 20 mins. and wave to all the large trucks driving throught. Most of them give us a big honk on the air horns and the grandson is tickled pink.  This morning the 13th we found one of your homemade toys sitting by the wall where we sit. On bringing it home we found a lovely home made cloth toy and grandson is playing his cars on it.
Once again thanks and your toy has found a good home.
Regards bil


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! That cute car track was a really good project and it seems it found it's way to the perfect owner!
Good job!

nattyj said...

Isn't that just wonderful! Seems like each and every toy goes to the exact right person each and every time!

María Julia said...

Sweet story. The Toy Society is great! I love to be part of this project!